The ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space is an exclusive forum designed for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and professionals performing similar functions within their respective organisations. This initiative aims to provide a supportive, non-competitive and non-judgmental environment where CISOs can collaborate, 建立一个强大的网络, 讨论痛点, share best practice and learn from each other’s experiences. CISO Safe Space will foster an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality to enable open and candid discussions about incidents and other 挑战 faced in the Scottish cybersecurity eco-system.
The primary objectives of the ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space are:
- Networking and rapport building to facilitate meaningful connections among CISOs and those performing similar functions, encouraging relationship-building within the cybersecurity community.
- Knowledge exchange to promote the sharing of expertise and best practice related to information security and risk management.
- Incident discussion to establish a platform for CISOs to discuss cybersecurity incidents, analyse incident response strategies and learn from each other’s experiences.
- 行业专家进行会谈, presentations and workshops on relevant and current cybersecurity topics.
- 每月的会议. Each meeting will have a different format over a 3-month cycle – including informal get-togethers, online catch ups and in-person events with expert speakers, 工作组和Q&一个会话.
The ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space will follow a 3-month meeting cycle with the following formats:
- Casual, informal networking and open discussions among CISOs.
- 面对面
- Ice-breaking, introduction of new members and group-driven topics.
- Virtual meeting to discuss pre-determined topics and expert speaker sessions.
- Topics decided by the group, expert speaker session and interactive discussions.
Month 3 – In-Person Event with Speakers and Working Groups
- Face-to-face discussions, participate in working groups, and learn from expert speakers.
- Rotating locations hosted by different member organisations.
- Expert speaker session, working group discussions, Q&机会和人脉.
The topics for discussion within the ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space will be determined by the group. 它们可能包括:
- Wellbeing and Mental Health in Cybersecurity Roles
- Communication Plans during Cyber Incidents
- Incident Response Strategies and 案例研究
- Leadership and Management Styles in Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Finance and Funding Challenges
- Legal, Regulatory, and 政策 Issues in Information Security
- 本月事件
Chatham House Rules and a strict non-disclosure policy will be adhered to during all meetings to ensure confidentiality and encourage open discussions without fear of repercussions.
Expectation from Cybersecurity 社区
The ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space welcomes active participation from the Scottish cyber-security community and welcome their support, 他们经验的贡献, suggestions of relevant topics and the offer of hosting/providing venues for in-person events.
Participation in the ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space is open to ScotlandIS成员. 成员 of the 网络集群 will be able to participate and attend events for a nominal fee that will be outlined prior to each event.
Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and professionals performing similar functions are invited to become involved. Additional membership will be by invitation and subject to approval by the existing members to maintain the integrity and relevance of the group.
These terms of reference will be reviewed periodically to ensure their effectiveness and may be amended with the consensus of the group members.
The ScotlandIS CISO Safe Space aims to foster collaboration, 知识交流, and support among CISOs in a friendly and inclusive environment. 通过分享经验, 挑战, 最佳实践, the members can collectively strengthen the cybersecurity landscape in Scotland and beyond.